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Food always comes frist for Taiwanese People and there are so many ways to enjoy delicious dishes.
Outdoor Catering is one way that people can enjoy delicate food in affordable budget. This kind of banquet is not held in a splandid restaurant, but held under a tent on the roadside, school gym or a plaza in front of a temple.  Because there is no airconditions, and hign rental for the places, most of the budget is spent on food and the chief team. Many well-known Taiwanese dishes originated in this kind of outdoor catering culture.

The place and the budget will be decided by the host. The cheif will prepare for the food ingredients and any kitchenwares he/she needs for the dishes. And all the dishes will be cooked on the spot, generally speaking directly nearby the tent. His or Her assistants will place the round tables on the designated place. Friends and relatives of the host will be invited to the party. In some occassions such as the religious celebrations or political campaign, the gusts are not fixed, in other words, anyone who interested in joining the dinning part can come to eat together.

No matter if it is a wedding, funeral, someone’s retirement or your neighbor finishing his military service, people always celebrate different occasions by holding an outdoor party. Because the food is served one course after another like water flowing, we also call it a“flowing water feast” in Taiwanese.


While sitting on the place, you can hear those helps holding dishes of delicious cuisines and yelling at an outdoor party held in a tent, “Hot! Excuse me.”

Many people enjoy having Taiwanese food in a tent set up on the street where the traffic is busy. This is Taiwan’s unique catering culture.

But it's a pity that this kind of culture is more rarely in the Northern Taiwan. Luckily people now try hard to persist the outdoor catering culture.





台灣檳榔文化   Betal nut



從正面來看,檳榔可提神、禦寒  排灣族以檳榔作為占卜的工具、阿美族人以檳榔治病驅邪  






經濟價值: 1997年,台灣地區的檳榔栽培面積以達達56,542公頃,生產量達156,207公噸,生產值超過新台幣一百三十億元。





Betal nust culturee in Taiwan can be traced back to as early as thousands of years ago. The indigenous people had the habit of chewing betel nuts for ling time. 

For example, Paiwan people use the betal nuts as a tool for divination, and Ami tribes use betal nuts to cure diseases.

From a positive point of view, betel nuts help people to refresh themselves, and can warm up body in the cold weather.

In the Ming Dynasty, Chinese peope emigrated to Taiwan and followed the indigenous people to chew betel nuts.

As time goes by, betel nut became an important item for medicine, social networking, and even gifts in this island.

It was not until the Japanese occupation that the Japanese banned the cultivation and chewing of betel nuts, but after the KMT moved to Taiwan, the betel nuts began to resume cultivation. In 1990s, the economic value of betal nuts is up to 13 billion NTD.

However, it is poved that ingredients in the betal nuts will cause oral cancer, and cultivation of betal nuts trees is harmful to the conservation of soil and water. 

Therefore, the population of chewing betal nuts and the cultivation acrage are all decreasing in recent years.




文化部: http://nrch.culture.tw/twpedia.aspx?id=11090




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